Mix-up your weeknight with a sweet cocktail featuring decadent peaches baked in Pimm’s syrup. A little fruity and a little tangy, this fresh cocktail is best served with cream to balance the flavour.
Preheat oven to 220°C. Cut peaches in half and remove or cut out stones. Place peaches in a roasting dish. Combine water, Pimm’s and honey, and pour over fruit. Sprinkle with sugar.
Roast peaches for about 15 minutes or until soft but not collapsed. Carefully remove peaches from dish with a spoon and set aside to cool.
Return dish with Pimm’s liquid to oven and cook for a further 5 minutes or until thickened to syrup. Remove from oven and stir in lemon juice. Transfer to a heatproof jug and allow to cool.
Once peaches have cooled, peel off skin and discard.
Serve peaches at room temperature with whipped cream and syrup spooned over. Sprinkle with Greek basil to serve.
Choose slipstone peaches. Cut in half, through stem, and twist apart. Make sure peaches are firm but not hard or overripe and too soft. Greek basil is available from some nurseries and greengrocers. You can use small regular basil leaves instead.
We love this simple take on a summer cocktail – just add some ice, fresh basil, diced strawberry and a squeeze of lime to sparkling wine for a hint of zing!