Two teams tackled the backyard of the Victorian team Claire and Hagan’s home, bringing outdoor seating and cooking zones plus a vibrant kids’ play space into the mix. The completed zone didn’t hit every mark, with the position of the plastic play equipment a concern for judge Wendy Moore, who questioned the decision to place it at the end of a driveway!
Brooke & Michelle’s timber screen
The rustic vertical fence was a clever idea, and the little garden alongside the barbecue had some nice elements, but required some denser plants with more variation in height. .
Brooke & Michelle’s pop-up kitchen
A clever outdoor kitchen with a roller door – making it weather protected – captured the judges’ imaginations, but wasn’t finished to the standard they expected. They found it cute, but not “gimmicky”.
Brooke & Michelle’s barbecue area
It worked well that the barbecue was outside, easier to access and use and the checker plate was a good idea, however the finishing was messy on the edges.
Brooke & Michelle’s dining zone
The dining table was ample, but its colour clashed with the decking and with the seating in competitors Fil and Joe’s zone.
Brooke & Michelle’s kids’ play space
The blackboard did not quite meet the House Rule of “Inspire the kids with a creative play space” but was a valiant attempt.
Fil & Joe’s fireplace
In team Fil and Joe’s zone, the feature fireplace impressed the judges with its considered design, as did great furniture choices and bright, comfy cushions. Ponytail palms looks fantastic but were disappointingly dressed in plastic pots.
Fil & Joe’s outdoor shower
Stepping stones connected two levels in the garden, and an outdoor shower added to the coastal vibe. Unfortunately the vibe here was more ‘rustic’ than ‘sleek and organic’ – the house rule – and the shower itself was a little too petite.
Fil & Joe’s cubby
Playful stepping stones lead the children to a carvan cubby – which looked, according to judge Wendy Moore “so funky in that corner!” The interior was, sadly, underwhelming, and could have taken the concept to a whole new level.