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The safest temperature for your fridge

Keep your food fresher for longer - and help prevent foodborne illnesses
Armelle Habib

When it comes to the fridge, weve got you covered.


From organisational tips to smart fridges and whether or not you need a wine fridge, theres one more thing that shouldnt be overlooked: the temperature.

It turns out, there is a perfect temperature for your fridge, which will keep your food fresher for longer – and help prevent foodborne illnesses.

The Food Safety Information Council recommends storing cold food at or below 5°C.

“At 5°C or colder and at freezing temperatures many bacteria that cause food poisoning and food spoilage either don’t grow or their growth may be slowed down.”


How to check fridge temperature

To check the temperature of your fridge, purchase a thermometer and place it inside. 

“We suggest you place your thermometer on the top shelf and towards the door to give a general indication of the fridge temperature,” the food safety website advises.

Where to store food in the fridge

Store food that is ready to eat on the top shelves. As for raw meat, this is best kept on the bottom shelf. 

“Store raw meats, seafood and poultry where it is coldest. In many fridges this is the bottom shelf,” the Food Safety Information Council website explains. “Wherever you store raw meats, poultry and seafood, make sure that juices and liquids can’t drip onto other foods. These juices might contain food poisoning bacteria which can contaminate other food if they drip onto it.”



This article originally appeared on Better Homes and Gardens.

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