The Australian Bureau of Statistics will reveal the outcome of the poll tomorrow morning for the vote for or against same-sex marriage.

This Enmore resident homeowner has made his preference clear however – painting his entire house front in a rainbow.
“I thought it would be a nice community gesture to paint the house rainbow as a show of support,” homeowner Jean-Jacques Fiasson told Domain.
Whilst activists continue to rally support throughout the country, Mr Fiasson rallied housemates to transform the street frontage of his beige terrace in Liberty Street, with an outpouring of support from the surrounding community as they passed by and saw the transformation underway.
“The vast majority of responses were very positive, people were beeping us and giving us the thumbs up as they drove past,” Mr Fiasson said. “One guy driving past shouted out ‘No’ but he was the exception.”
Enmore is well known for graphic street art in its laneways and along roadsides – a popular mural runs the length of one of the homes along the road from Mr Fiasson’s home. Unfortunately, it and other nearby artworks suffered some backlash from the rainbow house, as vandals painted “NO” across it several times in the days that followed the rainbow unveiling.

Reported to the police and now removed by Inner West Council, the graffiti was described by Mayor Darcy Byrne as a “vile NO campaign.”
“You have to be a pretty sad and small-minded person to destroy public murals that children love, and private property, to try get your message across,” Cr Byrne told Domain, adding that he was pleased to see a show of support in surrounding suburbs, like the rainbow house.
Council did not object to the painted home, as it does not contravene any heritage or conservation rules. “Planning controls can find a way to work around that,” said Cr Byrne
Mr Fiasson plans to keep the rainbow facade of his home for the next six months.