Referencing Art Deco shapes in a palette of black, white and emerald green, this trend leans on the attraction of opposing elements. Tailored furnishings, such as button-back sofas and moulded leather dining chairs, bump up against embellished loveliness in the shape of beaded cushions, stylised flowers and peacock feathers. Accessorised with flourishes of gold and hits of shine, the overall feel is one of luxurious elegance. Strong graphic lines, repeated patterns and a sense of symmetry are an integral part of this refined and sophisticated decorating recipe.

Symmetry and repeated graphics lend a tailored order that balances an abundant lushness, so there’s a playful pull between masculine and feminine elements.
Black, white and emerald form the seductive base palette, providing the perfect foil for the secondary colours of jade, aquamarine, gold, oyster and cream