Missing bucolic weekends trips to picturesque vineyards while in isolation? Tractorless Vineyards in NSW’s Southern Highlands has found a way to bring wine tastings to your door.
“People traditionally drink wine to come together as family and community, sharing experiences and love. We want to continue that, and with the help of the internet, we are able to do so, even in these trying times,” says winemaker Jeff Aston.
The winery will ship a selection of wines to your door, then you can watch the wine tasting guide via YouTube, Facebook Live or Zoom.

“In each package, we ship samples of each of our wines in 50ml tasters, the ideal size for two people to taste” explains Jeff.
“Once they receive the package, they have two choices. First, they can watch the tasting guide on our YouTube channel. Or, they can be part of the tastings that I’m hosting virtually on Facebook Live.
“I am especially excited about the live sessions. People can write in with their questions and reactions while I’m live. It will bring the sociability that we enjoy at our cellar door here in the Southern Highlands straight to your living room.”

Tasting packages are priced from $35 each, which includes shipping within Australia, and are available from Tractorless Vineyard.
The packages include four white and one rose wine, five red wines, a tasting sheet and wine purchase voucher to the value of $35.